Amzon Prime Music

Included with Prime

With every Amazon Prime subscription, one gets to avail an array of services including amazon prime music

The Need

But unfortunately this is not common knowledge. Most people tend to use Prime just for delivery and then video. Brand needed prime users to download Amazon Prime Music at no additional cost, with their existing Prime Membership and get ad-free music

The Audience

Primary Target Audience: Our target audience is the existing IN Prime member base from whom we want to accelerate the adoption of Prime music.
Secondary Target Audience: Anyone & everyone who listens to music. All music listeners are our target audience. Music as a category has a universal appeal for every type of customer across demographic and psychographic profiles, across the spectrum of music enthusiasts, aficionados to casual listeners.

The Strategy – Design

Prime Music delivers more than what you expect. Every time you think it can’t get better, it does. Not only is Prime Music “Included with Prime”, but you get over 75 million songs, 10 million podcast episodes and so much more, all included with Prime.

Amzon Prime Music


Selection of Channels based on TG

      TG : 18-40 years residing in metro cities & urban centers


The Strategy – Design


Audience bucket selection based on
user behavior & interests for secondary audience

 Audience Buckets segmented based on the audience groups who would consume music content for eg;


Communication based segments created


Channel wise Audience segmentation based on targeting options


Hotstar tracks users outside the hotstar ecosystem, which allows for us to target users based on behavior such as users who have primevideo and not primemusic. Furthermore appographic targeting will allow us to emulate the concept of lookalike audience available on typical facebook campaigns

Interest based,

Voot allows for interest based targeting which would be further optimized by using appography targeting for audiences similar to users who downloaded the app.

Interest based,

Sony Liv allows for interest based targeting which would be further optimized by using programmatic targeting for audiences similar to users who downloaded the app.

Interest Based,

Dailyhunt allows for interest based targeting which would be further optimized by using programmatic targeting for audiences similar to users who downloaded the app.

Interest Based

Inshorts does not track users outside their ecosystem. Thus only interest based targeting can be implemented with measurements only till impressions and clicks

The Execution

Proposed Plan

To ensure that maximum
optimisation, campaign was
divided into 3 aspects

Pre Launch : To amend plans as necessary with market costs

Phase 1 : Limited spending to test channel & audience segment performances

Phase 2 : Optimized scale up to achieve goals

Pre Launch

With changes in market consumption, rates proposed for programmatic targeting varied greatly to initially anticipated. Due to this the targeting had to dynamically pivot to a more sustainable plan. The channels which were then targeted were :

Phase 1 & 2

The Results

Target Clicks
Achieved Clicks
0 %
Target Achievement
0 %
Target CTR
0 %
Achieved CTR
0 %
Target Achievement